How does Spirulina help in weight loss?
Owing to the amino acids contained within, Spirulina helps to suppress hunger and increase metabolism. Together with the high density of other nutrients, Spirulina helps to naturally suppress the appetite, thus permitting healthy weight loss.
How chlorophyll in Spirulina benefit people?
Chlorophyll in Spirulina
helps to sanitize the bowel by detoxifying and cleansing the colon and
intestines. In addition, the chlorophyll helps to coat the irritable stomach
lining, thus aiding the relieve symptoms of gastric ulcers and inhibit
ulceration. It also acts as a functional food, feeding beneficial intestinal
bacteria, especially Lactobacillus and Bifidus. By maintaining a healthy
population of these bacteria, Spirulina reduces digestion and constipation
problems caused by pathogens like E.coli and Candida.
Can Spirulina
balancing body with good health?
It grows in very alkaline
waters. It is considered an alkaline food, and will help your body toward more
alkalinity. Its a great balancer for any diet filled with acidic foods like
sugar, coffee, soda, alcohol or meat. A balanced system will strengthen your
health and increase resistance to disease.